
How I got started with film.

I don’t know where I’d be if I wasn’t doing film. Filmmaking has always been a huge aspect of my life. It’s difficult for me to pinpoint the exact moment I became interested in making movies but I remember looking up to the 6th graders in my elementary school for running the school newscast. When I finally got to 6th grade, I was drawn to the mixer board and experimented with all the effects and transitions. While I loved operating the mixer board when I operated the camera, I couldn’t help getting my finger in the shot. I didn’t think I would ever be a good camera operator. Luckily, I eventually figured it out.

In middle school, I started making movies in my school’s video program, Batchelor Television. My friends and I spent every weekend at school editing videos and eating pizza. I had the opportunity to go to Los Angeles three separate times for film festivals. While there, I got to tour film schools and the Paramount lot. After this trip I knew I wanted to pursue film as a career.

Being from Indiana, I thought it would be awhile before I could start working in the film industry but I got my start my junior year of high school by interning with Blueline Media Productions. My internship involved working on edits and assisting on shoots. My biggest take away was that I loved being on sets way more than being in an office editing.

Where I am now.

I’m currently based in Los Angeles, California but willing to work anywhere for the right project. I’m a freelance cinematographer, filmmaker, and graduate of Indiana University’s Media school with a degree in narrative filmmaking and experimental art & aesthetics. I’ve had the opportunity to 1st AC, and on multiple feature films, and work as a cinematographer for many short films, music videos, and ad campaigns. It’s difficult to summarize all of the experiences I’ve had while filming. I’ve worked with dolphins in the Bahamas while assisting on a feature film, and other days I’m covered in dust making a video about rocks for a quarry. Some nights, I’ve slept on tour bus traveling around the US, and other nights I’ve slept in a cabin set dressed to look as if a cult was living there for a short film. I never really know exactly where this crazy job will take me but its brought me to a lot of cool places thus far and I’ve been able to connect with so many talented people. My favorite aspect about filmmaking is the amazing people I get to collaborate with. I love helping directors bring their vision to life and I love expressing my own ideas through cinematography.